Welcome to Creative Vision and Multimedia Lab (CMLab) @ Chung-Ang University (CAU)!

(1) full Curriculum Vitae (CV), (2) transcript (3) future plan & purpose, and (4) available participation time. 

News [mm.dd.yyyy]

[arXiv2024 (under review)] "DyBluRF 🫨: Dynamic Deblurring Neural Radiance Fields for Blurry Monocular Video",  Minh-Quan Viet Bui*, Jongmin Park*, Jihyong Oh☨ and Munchurl Kim (*equal contribution, ☨co-corresponding authors)

[arXiv2024] [Project Page] [GitHub (will be updated)] [Demo] [Video7mins]

[CVPR2024, 🏅Oral 0.78%] "🍎 FMA-Net: Flow-Guided Dynamic Filtering and Iterative Feature Refinement with Multi-Attention for Joint Video Super-Resolution and Deblurring", Geunhyuk Youk, Jihyong Oh and Munchurl Kim. (☨co-corresponding authors)

[arXiv2024] [Project Page] [GitHub] [Demo] [Video6mins]

[ECCV2022] "DeMFI: Deep Joint Deblurring and Multi-Frame Interpolation with Flow-Guided Attentive Correlation and Recursive Boosting", Jihyong Oh and Munchurl Kim. 

[ECCV2022] [Supp] [GitHub] [Demo] [Poster] [Video5mins]

[ICCV2021, 🏅Oral 3%] "XVFI: eXtreme Video Frame Interpolation", 

Hyeonjun Sim*, Jihyong Oh* and Munchurl Kim (*equal contribution).

[arXiv] [ICCV2021] [Supp] [GitHub] [X4K1000FPS] [Demo] [Oral12mins] [Flowframes(GUI)] [Poster]

[ICCV2019, 🏅Oral 4%] "Deep SR-ITM: Joint Learning of Super-Resolution and Inverse Tone-Mapping for 4K UHD HDR Applications",  Soo Ye Kim, Jihyong Oh and Munchurl Kim.

[Paper] [GitHub] [Poster] [Oral-PPT]

[AAAI2020] "FISR: Deep Joint Frame Interpolation and Super-Resolution with a Multi-Scale Temporal Loss" Soo Ye Kim*, Jihyong Oh* and Munchurl Kim (*equal contribution). 

[Paper] [GitHub] [Poster] [Spotlight-PPT]

[AAAI2020] "JSI-GAN: GAN-Based Joint Super-Resolution and Inverse Tone-Mapping with Pixel-Wise Task-Specific Filters for UHD HDR Video" Soo Ye Kim*, Jihyong Oh* and Munchurl Kim (*equal contribution).

[Paper] [GitHub] [Poster] [Spotlight-PPT]