Leading the rapid development of AI technology to become a global expert and address various practical problems.
We are looking for self-motivated graduate & undergraduate students. If you're interested, send an email to [] with the following information:
(1) full Curriculum Vitae (CV), (2) transcript (3) future plan & purpose, and (4) available participation time.
Application for Graduate School
We aim to cultivate excellent expertise in AI-based Computer Vision & Multimedia and practice through engaging in research, industry-university projects, studying on vacation, and participating in AI top-tier conferences including challenge competitions.
If you are interested in pursuing graduate school, we recommend applying for lab internships at least 3~6 months in advance.
Please note that becoming an expert in the AI research field typically requires 5 years for integrated PhD programs, 4 years for doctoral programs, and 2 years for master's programs.
For students enrolled in integrated PhD programs or doctoral programs, we strongly encourage participating in AI top-tier conferences, presenting papers, and undertaking internships at domestic & global companies during the degree program.
Undergraduate Research Program
It is designed for undergraduate students who have a keen interest in pursuing graduate courses in the field of AI-based Computer Vision & Multimedia. It offers study and lab-independent education programs similar to those available to graduate students.
If a seat is available in the lab, selected undergraduate students will be provided with a dedicated workspace for the duration of their participation. The priority is how well you know the below Prerequisites (excluding "Advanced").
Furthermore, if a graduate student is working on a topic of interest within the lab, the undergraduate research student may engage in mentoring and research activities in consultation with the graduate student.
Prerequisites (Recommended: please be aware before contacting)
Tips: [Googling!] If you encounter a concept or term that you are unfamiliar with, make sure to actively search for it on Google. There is no information that cannot be found through Google 🤩.
Coding Skills (very important)
It is important to quickly & efficiently implement your ideas to boost your AI research! All global & domestic tech companies seek to hire AI Research Scientists or Software Engineers who possess fluent coding skills with high standards.
1. [Basic Programming Language] Python
(i) Basic Document with Practice Terminal ---> (ii) Numpy Tutorial ---> (iii) AI-tech-interview
2. [Deep Learning Libraries] Select either PyTorch (Part1~3, more recommended) or TensorFlow (Part1~3)
3. [Basic OS] Ubuntu
4. [Advanced] Preparation for internship or full-time positions for tech companies.
(i) Data Structure & Algorithms ---> (ii) Leetcode (Easy ~ Medium levels are enough.)
Machine Learning
CS229 (L1 ~ 10) ---> AI-tech-interview
[Advanced] Transformer for Computer Vision
CBAM, Self-Attention, Swin Transformer, SwinIR, MAXIM, MaxViT, etc.
[Advanced] Introduction to Research Area (if you are further interested 😮)
✨ Low-Level Vision (LLV)
Image-related tasks: CBAM (channel attention), RDN, Swin Transformer, SwinIR, KOALAnet (dynamic filtering), LIIF (INR), MAXIM & MaxViT (linear complexity of transformer), Restormer, GRL, etc.
Video (motion handling)-related tasks: BasicVSR, BaiscVSR++ (important for overview), RAFT (basic OF), ABME (basic VFI), XVFI (backward warping, 4K), Softsplat (forward warping), RIFE, M2M, VFIformer, Shift-Net, FlowFormer++, AnyFlow, MoTIF, etc.
Diffusion-based LLV tasks: CVPR2023 Tutorial, survey paper, DiffIR, SPIRE, SupIR, SIGGRAPH2024 Tutorial etc.
👁️⃤ 3D Vision
[Prerequisites] Computer Graphics, Camera Calibration, Radiometry & Reflectance, etc.
[Tutorial] Tutorial on NeRFs at ECCV 2022 by Prof. Angjoo Kanazawa.
[Introduction Paper] Nerfstudio [SIGGRAPH2023], 3D Gaussian Splatting [SIGGRAPH 2023]
[Coding Tool] (i) Nerfstudio [by UC Berkeley], (ii) nerf-pytorch [by Yen-Chen Lin], (iii) hyperreel [by Meta], etc.
CMLab Location
Office Address: [#511, 305 Building] 84, Heukseok-ro, Dongjak-gu, Seoul, 06974, South Korea